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søndag den 10. februar 2013

Social Media trends of 2013 – is it all positive!

During 2012 the corporate world, has taken Social Media into the communication strategy and have started to collaborate with their costumers, surveys indicates[1] that 72% of top management, will work much more with collaboration and social media in 2013. Is this just a statement that corporate companies want to express or can the consumer expect a much stronger engagement from the top management?
In 2013 we must expect to handle Social Media on two levelsthe Strategic corporate level and the Personal level, this will be the trends. Starting with the Strategic corporate level the most spoken subjects is;

·         Mobile social media usage.
·         Social Media grows as a marketing tool.
·         Big Data gets a lot more manageable

Turning to the Personal Level we must expect to see some more critical voices telling us that Social Media can have a flipside which is not all that beautiful. The backside of Social Media is described as:

·         Social Media could harm your self-esteem
·         Social Media is bad for your blood pressure
·         Online is not a substitute for offline

Social Media at the Strategic level

As mentioned above there are 3 most spoken subjects that corporate has to take into consideration in 2013, as they will affect their strategic decisions. 

The first mentioned is Mobil social media usage, the first prediction is that mobile internet users will overtake the wired internet users in USA by 2015 and this shift is expected to go much faster on social platforms. This will give an advantage to networks engaging on “The go easy and visual platforms” like Instagram. This will again force the traditional networks to be able to better differentiate their desktop and mobile experiences. In other words providers of mobile interfaces must have more streamlined and fast-loading interfaces, while also being able to take fully advantage of GPS and exchanging information by touching smart phones. Then we have the field of gaining revenue from using the mobile devices as advertising options. The Achilles heel is to squeeze ads into the small Mobile screens and make costumers read these without deleting them before they are read.

Secondly we will see a further increase of using social media as a marketing tool.
To solve the above mentioned mobile revenue puzzle, social networks will strive to implement new social ad models. Today we have the banner and interruption ads which is something costumers dislike and therefore eventually will decline. Costumers want a proper content and they want to have “user generated content “and therefore a new innovative style of offerings will appear such as Promoted Tweets and Sponsored Stories. This is what marketing people refer to as native advertising. A definition of Native advertising is an ad strategy that allows brands to promote their content into the endemic experience of a site in a non interruptive, integrated way. Some costumers will resent this kind of intrusion into their home streams, but native ads enables brands and companies to interact with their costumers on their own turf and on their own conditions. This is an idea that ads and content can be interchangeable and therefore will be able to start collaboration among companies and costumers on their home field. The concept of native ads is used by companies in sending Tweets to followers from the company social media channels. Another tool is the available social - analytical software which can identify which are the most read tweets the company are sending out. This gives the company the possibility to selectively amplify the best of the bunch of Tweets and then turning the best tweets into Promoted Tweets.  The strategy is simple turning content into ads and herby reaching an even larger audience.

The third strategic objective is the use of Big Data.  Big Data appears in the media world still as a buzzword but as it gets more manageable, Big Data will be an advantage for companies. Social Media has provided companies both access and volumes of information and data about costumers buying behavior on an aggregated level. The challenge with these huge amounts of Data is how companies can turn the information into a manageable strategy towards the costumers so the companies can take advantage of the data. A survey made by Oracle states that 93% of the CEO in North America believes that they are losing revenue by not leveraging the Data available to them properly. What is needed is better social media analyzing tools and software that are capable to processing the huge amounts of data flowing in from social media and link it to other touch points consumers have with the company and brand. Big Data will in the future, give us the ability to track multiple social statistics in real time from tweets, Likes and even Instagrams to customer sentiment. This will lead to improved customer service and predict future buying patterns and collaboration can be increased between company and customer.

Social Media at the personal level

The strategic level of Social Media trends 2013 could be seen as some what predictable. We the customers, consumers are living in a technological driven world where devices are produced to increase our productivity and some even say our life quality. But who are looking into the more personal level of Social Media and how it affects our personal well being. Most companies will not accept that the there are consequences in working in a social driven world and environment. Most companies will not accept that they have a responsibility for their employee’s personal level of interacting and collaborating on the Social Media.

Who will take into consideration that social media could harm your self-esteem?
While evidence for Social Media Anxiety Disorder is not proven and largely anecdotal an UK study[2] from fall 2012, found that 50% of Social Media users have found that their participation on social networks has had an overall negative effect on their lives. Some of the participants have even mentioned that the more time they spent online the bigger possibility is there for harming their self-esteem.  The reason for poor self-esteem may be due to the increasing numbers of false portrayed images people are putting on the net to exaggerate their profiles and be more valuable towards employers among others. This comparison of profiles is one of the biggest blows to people’s self-esteem. The funny stuff is that Facebook has estimated that there are approximately 42 million profiles which are faked, where people have exaggerated or are lying about themselves in their profile.
So before you start feeling a less valuable person continue to be honest on your profile and secure that you update with facts not fiction – the last one will be discovered in an interview.
The second personal level indication is that social media is bad for your blood pressure. Social Media is by some described as a hotbed of bad behavior in the way of using the language and grammar and the way that users are bragging and faking to appear more likable towards the world. If you find yourself getting unduly irritated by all this exaggerating and lying then turn to other places on the Social network which appears more trust worthy. It is not worse to exaggerate your blood pressure.

The third personal level indication is Online is not a substitute of Offline. When participants in surveys are asked if they have missed any important life moments by being captured in their quest of being social, 25% of the survey respondents say they have missed important life moments. Some will even mention that with the ubiquity of communications technology in our daily lives it can be easy to convince one self that “online life” directly correlates to your “offline life” and that having a face to face dialog with a good friend can be replaced by an online chat you will be wrong. Just remember you can not make the online attempts to get a job you have to secure that you work offline as well otherwise you will miss opportunities.

Can we expect the above mentioned of 2013 Social Media!  We are working in a world in crisis, where it should be possible to gain a closer collaboration with the costumers- some says that the social technologies will revolutionize the social media collaboration in 2013. What is most important for me both looking on the strategy and the personal level you as an individual has to take into consideration, as in all other aspects of life, make a full stop and think what good can the social media do to you and what is the disadvantages of the communication form. There is nothing which are just black and white and you should not say that you have to start to direct your energy elsewhere just because there is obstacles in using and communicating on Social Media.

[1] IBM CEO study 2012 Social Media collaboration
[2] Forbes article ”3 reasons to quit Social media in 2013”

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