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lørdag den 1. marts 2014

Why does US NSA watch our Social media activity – is the surveillance rely to prevent theorist attacks or do they have any other purpose with this snooping?

During the first months of 2014, all Social Media users did feel exposed to privacy interruptions from NSA and the increasing security investigations they have forced upon companies such as Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and many others, to look into your conversations and the information you send and share with others.
Is this snooping into the social sharing a real act of preventing a theorist attack, or is it just an easy access to get knowledge of what new things are invented and could be a profitable sell to an American corporation in the future?

One thing is for sure, the US president do not score high points from the voters by jeopardising the privacy of the individual by forcing access into peoples Social media conversations.
What is the actual purpose, for organizations like NSA to look into millions of conversations from numerous providers of social traffic?
The official purpose is it to prevent theorist attacks – or is it pure spying on its own and other citizens?
Taking into consideration that NSA and the British GCHQ are working together on the surveillance of our social media traffic makes it even worse if the agencies actually are in for even political/personal reasons such as Mr Snowden suggest that our smartphones and social wear about can support agencies with personal data, location information and details such as political affiliation or sexual orientation. [1]
This entire discussion of who is getting access to data and social activities, gives us the reason to start a much bigger discussion about privacy on the internet and reasons to make guidelines for enterprise employees, of what they are discussing on the internet through Facebook, Twitter, Linked In and other social media platforms. This is to secure as little vital information to go out of the enterprise organisation and herby diminish the possibility of trade with company data from big public organisations such as NSA and GCHQ

[1] Source: Japanes Times, January 29, 2014