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mandag den 2. juli 2012

Will Social Media have any positive impact when acting in a financial crisis?

There is no doubt that the world is in a crisis, in Europe we have the Euro crisis, in US they have a debt crisis and even growth markets as china and India are declining in growth. Companies all over the world have to fight harder to get the attention of their costumers and make them want to purchase their products and services.
The question is; will Social Media have any impact on company’s ability to turn revenue and profit into positive figures?
Social Media has gained a new purpose at the same time as technology has become available to everybody, everywhere at anytime. This has shown in;

  • The ability to reach new target groups
  • The ability to use mobile devices

Reaching new target groups
As the technology has become cheaper the target groups for consumers has changed to even getting in contact with younger people. Further more you can now get in contact with people in rural areas which have not been an option in the past. Mobility has been a key word – the increasing number of smart phones and tablet computers has increased the availability and contact possibility to people all over the globe. The increasing use of medias as Face Book, Twitter, Google + , LinkedIn and  Orkut has changed the way companies do communicate with their costumers and even move marketing budget from traditional communication to Social Media communication.

Using mobile devices
The availability of mobile devices in rural areas and among people with minimum incomes has increased the use of Social Media. Another target group is the young people who use the social media on their mobile devices as more mature people uses the internet for mails and communication of messages. Companies can now reach new target groups in a much more direct way and either get credit for their social engagement or get punished if the product services do not get accepted the way it is communicated.  In other words the receiver of the social engagement decides if he/she like or dislike the engagement from the company – the power is at the consumer.

In my mind it is obvious that in a crisis the social media will be a very good tool to get your message out to a much broader target group. But one thing you as an enterprise must remember it is not possible just to go out there and save money on your marketing expenses if you can not provide a proper content in the right context.  On the other hand can you provide the consumer/costumer with a proper content in the right context, Social Media is a very powerful and direct tool which can give you direct contact to new and interesting costumers/consumers in a crisis situation.